lunes, 25 de octubre de 2010

The Globalization

First of all I want to explain that the globalization is a economic, technological, social and cultural process, which is the increased communication and interdependence among countries in the world unifying markets, societies and cultures through a series of transformations that give a global character.

I would like to say that globalization is a process that affects all as much of positive way as of negative way, would be a great advantage for some bit industrialized countries because as they would have access to new technologies that renew the life of the people of those countries, also with regard to the globalization of culture will be good because it would open possibilities to interact with people from other places, we have the opportunity to learn the history of our ancestors with new technologies. Globalization would open the possibility of new markets by improving the economy. On the political side, borders are disappearing with the treaties made between the different governments to expand their borders and open doors to a new market, increasing competition among them, turn improve the quality of life of people. But I also find negative aspects of globalization many times by the selfishness of the powers countries can lead to wars and conflicts generating poverty in less developed countries.

The globalization would benefit all if we learn to master it to get the real benefit, without forgetting that the world is constantly changing and up to us to decide whether changes will be positive or negative.

The Great Dictator (speech summary)

Chalie Chaplin wanted us to say in his speech the great dictator his point of view with absurd conflict of Hitler, in the speech  showed his desire for equality, regardless of religions or races, Chaplin makes clear the need for such qualities as kindness and courtesy order to put aim from violence among men, also he issues a ruling against the dictators and people that repress the nations, He says while there are people in the world willing to die for their ideals of freedom, the freedom will continue to there. the soldiers should stop being a machine without a heart, because they carry the love of humanity in their hearts, not hatred. and he gives like support to its speech a reading of the bible that it says:  “The Kingdom of God is not in a man, nor in a group of men, but in all the men…” he tells the soldiers that they have the power to create happiness, the power to make this life free and beautiful and make it a  wonderful adventure.
in aim they have the power to choose between peace or war.

Charlie Chaplin Biography

Charlie Chaplin was born in London England in the year 1889, and and died in Switzerland on December 25, 1977; he is one of those most representative of silent film with about 90 movies; He became one of the best-known film stars in the world before the end of the First World War; His parents were artists of music-hall; His mother belonged to a ethnicity gypsy, probably also his father; Him despite having a difficult childhood became a idol; He was influenced by his predecessor, the French silent movie comedian Max Linder; His working life in entertainment spanned over 75 years, from the Victorian stage and the Music Hall in the United Kingdom as a child performer, until close to his death at the age of 88; He was producer, writer, director and actor in his own movies; Among its most notable films include: The Great Dictator, Making a Living,Kid Auto Races at Venice, The Kid; Chaplin's robust health began to slowly fail in the late 1960s, after the completion of his final film A Countess from Hong Kong;Chaplin died in his sleep in Vevey, Switzerland on Christmas Day 1977.